Malawi - Flash Appeal - Tropical Storm Ana, February - May 2022

The humanitarian community in Malawi has launched an emergency appeal that brings together the United Nations and non-governmental organisations’ immediate response to the impact of the recent floods in the country.
The Malawi Flash Appeal, launched on 26th February, urgently seeks US$ 29.4 million emergency funding for UN agencies and NGOs to support Malawi Government’s response efforts for the next three months, targeting 542,000 people. This will complement ongoing Government of Malawi’s relief efforts.
Tropical Storm Ana passed through many districts in southern Malawi late January 2022, leaving behind devastation and destruction. In the aftermath of the storm, over 990,000 people urgently require life-saving and life-sustaining humanitarian assistance and protection support, as well as livelihood support to recover from their losses and rebuild their resilience, and access to basic services.
The appeal targets people in the six hardest-hit districts of Chikwawa, Nsanje, Phalombe, Mulanje, Chiradzulu and Balaka. A total of 44 partners responding to Tropical Storm Ana are involved in the appeal, including the Malawi Red Cross, 7 National NGOs, 26 International NGOs and 10 UN Agencies. Sector requirements in appeal include Education USD 2M, Food Security and livelihoods USD 8.6M, Health USD 3.5M, Nutrition USD 600K, Protection (Child-Protection Gender-Based Violence) USD 4M, Shelter & Camp Management USD 3.5M, WASH USD 5M, Coordination & Common Services USD 200K and Logistics USD 2M.